Speedometer off by ten mph!


So recently I painted my gauge needles and more than likely I messed something up. The speedometer needle WAS off, and the little coil behind it had gotten unspooled. Could that be why my speedometer is off by ten? When i'm going 50mph in reality, i'm only going 40mph. I thought it was odd I was getting tail gated and it seemed like I was going really slow. Following my nephew in his truck I called and asked how fast he was going, he said 50 exactly. I was going 60 exactly.

Any idea's what went wrong and more importantly HOW TO FIX IT?


Slow Driver
I had the same issue when I did mine. Here is how to fix it

1. take the cover off your gauge cluster
2. take the needle (speedometer) off the pin
3. plug the cover-less and needle-less cluster in and start driver
4. get a GPS that tells you how fast you are going (or use your buddy again) and drive a certain speed (I suggest a low one)
5. when you are going xMPH, put the needle pointing to that speed and push it on the pin

Now my speedometer is as accurate as a satellite signal. Haven't had to adjust it or anything yet (done a few years ago).


Thanks! That is fricking genius. I would have just adjusted it and tried driving it and done it over and over. Your way seems much better! Thankkkkkkkkks.


The Transporter
A more accurate way (those sats can actually have alot of variance in the gps type applications) is to use a gear/speed calculator and find a nice even gear/rpm combo and put it at the calculated speed.


Well between following someone and my friends GPS, it seems it's exactly 10mph off. If it's within one or two i'm fine, but ten is annoying.


Lol I just go ten above the speed limit. (According to the speedometer.)

Every time I see a cop, I freak out. My car is super loud, and the front corner lights don't have bulbs yet lol. Not to mention the lack of a real registration. (Just a 15 day permit in my back window.)
