Speed Sensor/ Speedo Issue


New Member
Unfortunately my car is have issues. My Speedo sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. So we took the speed sensor out to make sure no fluid was in it and there wasn't. So we swapped my b/f's 98 LS speed sensor in and it worked at first and then didn't and it makes the engine light come on. So we put mine back in and we swapped gauge cluster and that didn't work either. All my parts are back in the car (95 GSR) but I noticed that after I've been driving for a bit and the car is warmed up the speedo will kick in al the sudden. How does a speed sensor work??? Off Pressure??? The check engine light will randomly come on now, but I do have valve tapping so i don't know if that will cause that or not.


You'll probably get more responses if you post in the 3rd Gen section.

I don't know much about integra speed sensors since I've never had to replace mine. I did in my old Legend, though. Maybe your speed sensor is bad and needs to be replaced. Are '95 and '98 tegs speed sensors the same part? That could be a reason it made your check engine light come on when you put your bf's in. But like I said, I don't know much about this stuff, so hopefully someone else can help you. Good luck.


New Member
today it didn't work this morning until after i had made a stop at the grocery store and it all the sudden kicked in and worked the entire time i wa son the highway. Then after i redlined the car it quite on me and wasnt' working and then my engine light came back on. It sometimes flutters around for a bit now and then when it isn't working. But most of the time it just works or doens't work.


New Member
possible bad connection in the connector housing itself. check for corrosion. besides that, if u've tampered w/ the cluster before, it could be a loose wire there. i had a problem where mine would work fine then all of a sudden glitch on and off for a bit then either be dead for a while or work fine for days. turns out my sensor died a few months later. completely dead and set a CEL.


94 Ls/vtec
ok well i had the same problem in my 94 ls u need to look at the connector and if it all green and nasty inside the u havethen it is the connector side on the harness what i did was found an old harness at a junkyard and cut it off and went back home and spliced it into my harness where the old one was and now it works like a dream