Speaker pop


Well-Known Member
Ive noticed recently, since building a new box, that there is a pop when I turn on my stereo, or change stations on my HU. I dont think it is because of the new box, but there are some things I did differently when I re-installed it. It is getting very annoying and Im looking for and suggestions you all have to correct this. I have done some searching on line and have found some possible causes.

I can get the specs on the equipment later if you feel the need to know.
-I changed the amplifier fround ring terminal, and mounted it in a better location, which I feel provies plenty of contact with the frame,
-The box was carpeted, and the amplifier mounted to the reverse side of the box with no spacer.
-While connecting the amp back up, I hooked the power side up, then accidently dropped the ground onto the connection, creating a terrible spark. (this may have been reversed, as in the ground getting hooked up, then the power hitting the ground)
-The RCA cables are transparent, and one of them looks to be a little burnt where it connects to the plug, bad connection?
-Im pretty sure the amp is not connected to an always on power source, but I dont remember from install. I beleive it shuts down when the ign is off, and powers on when I turn the car on.

If I think of anymore info, I will edit it with the new information.


cheap bastard
Did you switch box types like going from a sealed to a ported?

Did you change any settings on the amp like gain?

There are a few products on the market that can help with this issue or there is a possibility of using a just a plain old PSDT relay to accomplish the task of delaying the turn-on/turn-off of the amp a second or two so that the pop of the stereo cutting on isn't played through the speakers.


Well-Known Member
Stayed with a sealed box, maybe a little smaller than the previous. I tweaked the settings a bit to try to get rid of the pop. Turned the gain most of the way down and didnt solve the issue. I made some spacers from some plywood in the garage, so Im going to put those on tomorrow. If that doesnt help, I think I'll change the ground location again, and then run some new RCA cables. I dont want to think its from the amp powering off/on, because it didnt do that before, in my previous car, nor after it was originally installed with the first box I made.


New Member
Your ground might bee too small or to long. Or you could be getting some distortion somewhere along your RCA's. Where did you run your RCA's and how long is your ground and what guage wire are you using and size of amp?


New Member
20 bucks says its your ground, you need to put it under the carpet in the truck, take a flat head and scrap the paint till you see frame, and use a star washer and a few (2 to 3) short screws, and bolt that bitch down. it will work, also, if your running 4g power wire, ground needs to be 4, if your running 8 it needs to be 8, shits gotta match, its an electrical backfeed in that your speaker wires are picking up. make sure your amp wire is running down the same side of the car that your batteries on. just random mumbo jumbo that can help, i did this for 5 years and dealt with this problem on more than one occasion...


Well-Known Member
Well my power wire is ran on the opposite side of the rca/remote wire. The power wire starts 8g, then ups to 4g a couple feet from the amp, I dont see this as a bottle neck. The amp ground is maybe 2 ft long, and 4g. I have ran this for years in my intrepid with no problems, and I even had 4-5ft excess 8g in my power wire run. I did move the amp ground to a less ideal location, contrary to what I said earlier, so when I get a new connecter I will put it under one of those large bolts under the spare cover.

I do not have a multi meter. I was just going to replace them if I came across some on the cheap, but that hasnt happened nor do I want to pull the radio and re-run the wires :???:

I will let you all know if moving the ground works. I expect that to be the main cause, but havent gotten around to moving it. Thanks for the help everyone.

-I moved the ground to a better spot, didnt help. I turned the level down (which I assume is gain though it doesnt say it) and that changes the sound from a thump, to a light pop.
-I was mistaken when I said the power wire goes from 8g at the bat, to 4 g at the amp. Its the other way around. I will change that when I get around to buying some more wire.
-I have also been having an issue with static. It only happens when I have the radio on, not a CD. I dont think its my antenna (interior stick to glass antenna) so much, because I have moved it around and it hasnt helped. The static is constant, it isnt better when driving around in one location compared to another. Dont know what could cause this?
- The sub still pops even w/o rca's in, so I dont think those cables are an issue. It easiest for me to hear the pop when I alternate volume from 0 to 1. I need to see if the amp powers down when the volume is at one, so I'll check that this evening, granted it doesnt rain.

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New Member
definetly get the 4 to 8 ga. bottle neck fixed, thats really bad, and dont put the ground on a bolt, it needs direct frame contact, you dont get the kind of resistance you need with a bolt like that, it needs to be on frame. now when you go from 0 to 1 there is a voltage change cust its now flowing, but whats your amp turn on hooked too.... and what fuse rating under the hood are you running?


Well-Known Member
Ill get a picture of the bolt that im hooked onto. The amplifier has 2 40amp fuses in it, and im not quite sure what size the fuse is at the battery. Ill check that and edit my post. I guess in my application it doesnt really matter if I use 8a or 4ga, but I know 4ga would probably be better.

- Fuse in power wire is 100amp.
- The amp turns off a second after powering down the headunit
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New Member
I have never fixed this problem for my system as well, but looking at a majority of replies, most people say to look at the ground and/or the RCAs. Somewhere, somehow, I remember hearing that RCAs are suppose to be "plugged in" last, after the battery and ground and everything is installed and hooked up. I dont know the answer to this and was just going to buy a ground loop isolater or a pop on/off little thing, I dont know what they are called but darvex.com has them.