Some new pics of the Teg


New Member
Took some pics a while ago, never posted them up though...

Some might be a little blurry because I had to resize them.

Now, for the good stuff :)

Its not turbo'd yet but it will be SOON!

Now for the BAD stuff

Some idiot ran into/kicked my drivers side fender in...

Comments please


the pictures are a little dark. looks good from what i can see, though. sucks about your fender.


New Member
nice and clean
can't wait to see this thing boosted


New Member
B18TEG said:
yea, wut happened with the wheels? you sell them, or the mesheis your dd rims

the meshies are my winter rims, the other ones are in my garage


CI Transfomer God!
AirBrcak said:
Those meshies are teh ugly !

It looks pretty good with the slips.

Wheels can make A big diff! Tell us the full story of the fender, I wanna hear (or read)

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New Member
when i go driving, i am not worried about "me" crashing. I worry about the idiots around me who can't control their cars.


New Member
well im not sure exactly how my fender got messed up. FIRST time I ever park it in the street, wake up in the morning, and theres a big dent in my fender. Didnt hear anything at night or nothing. I think if might be some skateboarding faggots who walk around at night all the time. Im not sure though. I got it fixed under insurance though so now its just like new.