Some glitches have popped up along with the new stuff


Super Duper Moderator
The Gallery and Links buttons don't work anyomre.

And the line under everyones avatar for what car you have is gone.

Anyone else notice anything else that's gone wrong?


Super Moderator
TegSox, you getting this message when clicking on the gallery?

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/clubinte/public_html/gallery/gallery_global.php on line 178

Fatal error: Unknown function: construct_login_code() in /home/clubinte/public_html/board/includes/functions_gallery.php on line 1801


Super Duper Moderator
Yeah that's the one. I saw Jay Jay's thread now about the changes, I'm sure he's on top of things.

Jay Jay

Staff member
Yes, the links thing will be gone and the gallery will have to be recreated. I'm going to try to finish everthing else up this week.


Super Moderator
VBgarage disappeared? It took me like a week to write up all of the things I have done to my GSX. :cry:
Maybe we can ditch the text limit on VB so I can actually fit all of my mods on the list.
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Still Getting That My Account Does Not Have Acces To The Homepage, And I Cant Write In The Chatter Box. And The Site Wont Remember My Password.. . .. Been Waiting To See If It Gets Fixed, But Just Wanted To Bring It Up Oincase You Didnt Know. Thanks. By The Way The Site Is Really Comming Along, Its Kickass, Alot Better Than Before.


New Member
B18TEG said:
Still Getting That My Account Does Not Have Acces To The Homepage, And I Cant Write In The Chatter Box. And The Site Wont Remember My Password.. . .. Been Waiting To See If It Gets Fixed, But Just Wanted To Bring It Up Oincase You Didnt Know. Thanks. By The Way The Site Is Really Comming Along, Its Kickass, Alot Better Than Before.
same here