site suggestion


New Member
hey i know this is in the wrong section, but a flash of brilliance just went through my head.

mods should add a chat room/box whatever to the site, for easier talking with people that are online.

just a thought :)


New Member
that would actually be pretty sweet. but then i would be on here more than facebook. and also may take away some of the threads being posted up. But idk that for sure


Super Moderator
but a flash of brilliance just went through my head.

mods should add a chat room/box whatever to the site, for easier talking with people that are online.

just a thought :)
We used to have a chatbox on the home page, not sure what happened to it. Probably got removed because it was taking up a lot of space and rarely used. We used to have the CI AIM chatroom going strong all the time as well, but interest fell off. So for now, feel free to whore the chat thread:
hey i know this is in the wrong section
If you knew it was the wrong section, then why did you put it here :what:



New Member
sorry, it wouldnt let me into the site suggestion part..idk y..but it was on my mind so i posted it in the lounge :p


Well-Known Member
I never could get the old chat feature to work.

But that is effectively what the newbie anything goes thread is.
