Single Tail light out...


New Member
Ok so I recently inherited a 91 integra RS from my older brother
everything works fine except for one thing...
the inside tail light on the passenger side wont work
the outside one will, but not the inside
i checked the bulbs, swapped the bulbs, and it still never worked
i even whipped out a volt meter...conclusion---> no power at all to that one taillight
any ideas?

Kiss My ASS

New Member
If it not the fuse. You prolly have a short sumwhere. Just trace ur wire or just ohm the wire to see if u have a complete circuit running. Good luck bro...


New Member
if one bulb from that tail lights is working but not the other then i would check inside the socket for corrosion first. after that just trace the wire for any breaks. if there arnt any then its gotta be the relay. ill see if i can find the diagram for you.

also it wont be the fuse since half of the light still works.
