SideMarker HELP!


New Member
hey so i currently bought the side markers with everything harness etc and wondering how would i have to make the little hole? as i was researching i looked on and clicked on the tip help and they explained that they used some metal snippers from raio shack? i went to radio shack and home depot to see if they had those stuff but they didn't..if anyone can help me on how i could make the hole to where i can put the side markers in that would be great thanks..


New Member
im installing side markers tomorrow on my da and are they supposed to be wired to the blinkers and only blink or are they suppoesed to stay on with the running lights and blink if so how do i wire it


BBHG.. one love.
depends on your preference but the "stock" look is to have them wired to just your blinkers. that's how mine are and i like it.