Show off your tan Interiors


New Member
Who all rocks the tan interiors. Just curious because im getting a 94 integra with tan interior and just wanted to see what some modded ones looked like. Post pics if you can:D


Well-Known Member

Not very representative of how my interior looks, isnt such a great picture. But If you dont like the tan, you can always spice it up with some accents.

I like that two-tone dash kutcha, but that carpet looks pretty bad...


90 EF LS/V 95 DC4

I don't like tan interiors, on the Integra at least. Especially the dash. But whatever, it's not a deciding factor in buying a car IMO.


Name: Cody
personal boxs are hella rare, the cheapest one i've seen is 175, just for an ashtray!

i still want one, cause i'm hella jdm like that lol