should i...

Ominous G2

Why do you care what we think? Get it if you want it.

Ominous G2

I like them, but I was never a big fan of GSR spoilers on G3s. I do like the the Gen 1 Mugen spoiler though, if it's real.


New Member
fuck a mugen wing. im not spendin a shit load of money on a bigger spoiler with a expensive name on it.
lol.. i never was big on those wings.. lol.. couldnt stand them to be honest.. always seen them on pieces of shit cars that sounded like a rock rattling inside of a pepsi can as they drove by with their rusted body and their bumpers held up by zip ties.. but ill be damned if they didnt have that ugly ass spoiler shining on their trunk tho.. lmao.. gotta love the dumb ppl. lol

The Panch

The Homie
personally. i think the visors cool on some cars only. like for example i saw a white teg with it and i didnt like. but when i saw the red and black scheme the black visor compliments it well BUT

Just as coy mentioned


not both..gotta be one or thee other for me.

cuz its like having two wings lol