should be at work but......


my wonderful integra in which i love sooo much has once again f'd me. started the car up this morning, left it running, went back try to open the doors and they lock automatically. NOOOOOOOO.....spares are wit my wifey so.... OOO look at that its been running for about a half hour now. still waitin for her to get here, i told everyone im done with her and im not doing anything else to her but everyone knows im just talkin out of anger and im just mad at my her right now for lockin me out. have a good day boys i know i wont


New Member
mine doesnt lock automatically for that particular reason :p if you are on a meeting or whatever show or supermarket and u forget ur keys after u showed something or just cause you are next to the car and its stupid to take them out then ur screwed :p mine puts on the alarm after 20sec warning me with a beep so that i can get my keys out in 10secs if not the alarm is fully activated so when u open the door it goes off and the motor is disabled untill u push the button on the remote.

greetz sis


Type R
yea that happened to me twice with my gsr once i was at mcdonalds then at a fridays luckily some friends were with me so they could watch my car and someone could take me to get the spare... now wenever i start it i always leave the window opened like 2 inches unelss its raining or snowing


just got home...battery is dead wifey didnt realize the lights were on its not her fault but still....this is not my day


ya my alarm auto locks my doors too that why i keep my windows down when im warming it up in the winter unless its raining or snowing besides that i have an extra key and alarm fob in the house where i can have someone bring it to me if that happens


Super Moderator teg alarm doesn't lock automatically. but my eclipse has done it to me like elevendy billion times and it sucks everytime. i'm glad my teg doesn't do that since i drive it everywhere!


the lone outdoorsman
mine doesnt do that but i got one of those plastic AAA keys in my wallet

i had one for my old accord too and i actually lost the keys ... they say you arent supposed to start it with that but hell it started!