shocking integ


New Member
ok... i have recently been having troubles with my car starting and my battery... and almost everytime i get out of my car and close my door i get shocked pretty good... could these be related or what could be the problem..? it sucks getting shocked all the time


New Member
its probably the dry winter air causing serious static. My Scion XB does it to my wife and I all the time in the winter.

jdm jon

New Member
ouch. i only experianced this touching an old VCR or something when its cold out. or touching someone else....but to happen on a car sounds a lil strange. lol


Unregistered User
lol, I get zapped all the time by cars in the winter... It's cause I drag my feet when I walk tho. I'm kinda cool like that. lol


New Member
haha i am not gansta enough to drag my feet around.. but i am glad i am not the only person with a car that shocks them all the time...


Super Duper Moderator
I get shocked getting in and out of my car in the winter pretty much every time, sometimes really bad. I whack my arm on the edge of my door so it doesn't hurt so much when the shock hits me, lol.


Super Duper Moderator
It could be just static electricity, but if your also having battery trouble, it could be related to that I suppose. Have you ever gotten shocked regularly before? Is it dry in your area?


New Member
DUDE the same thing happens to me. first started with my honda civic hatch...i thought it was the car, i sold it to get my GS-R and low and behold the same thing happens lol. it zapps the hell out of me everytime i get out and touch it to close the door, so i started pushing it shut on the window lol.


New Member
they have those things u can hook onto ur car for shit like that its like a ground its just hangs in the back of the car and when u park it it rests on the ground