Self thinking car?


New Member
Gonna be a weird subject but just wanted to see what people would say. Does anyone feel like their car has a mind of its own and has "moods"? I feel like mine does because if i neglect it for week it'll drive like shit, but if im on my way to get some new parts (like when i went to go get an impact gun to upgrade the suspension) for it it drive excellent and when i wash it, it drives and handles amazing. Might sound stupid but just wanted to see if anyone else has the same opinion.


Product Manufacturer
I think this may be all in your head. Although I have had several cars break down on me after I pick up a new car / start looking for a new car. I call this a coincidence.


The other asshole
My z28's "moody"

I find that when there's something I need to fix that is wrong or going wrong with it It seems to act up, A lot of it can have to do with the weather, temperature etc

Regardless I still talk to my cars like they're my friends :D


Heat, car temperature, maintenance, failing parts, idle time, recently raced all can have a play in how the car feels


LOL I think that the car drives like Sh*t when you neglect it for a week because you forget how to shift correctly :twisted: and it drives fine when you are getting upgrades because you are excited and you subconsciously drive better:?:

But naw man I'm just messing with you :hitlol: I get what you are saying, sometimes I feel like when I spend more time working on my car or cleaning it that it drives better but that is just because I like how it looks so I feel more comfortable.
