Self Parking Car!


New Member
The people next to me could use that. Instead of parking in front of me they parked into my front bumper.


it should be inforce dfor "most female drivers, blondes, & old ppl"


New Member
MoJoJoJo said:
it should be inforce dfor "most female drivers, blondes, & old ppl"
Sorry but now I gotta rant about something lol! First of all, yes most female drivers should be required to have many car safety features that probably won't be invented for a while, like a self driving car. As far as blondes go, I'm blonde, best driver in the family only 2 times my car has been damaged was while it was parked and I was at home or school, and I've never had a ticket for ANTHING. Now on to old people... Old people just, well how do I put this.... Shouldn't be allowed to do many things. They are COMPLETELY oblivious to what is going on around them, which is why the are never going the speed limit. Half of the time they are in 2 different lanes at once; not like a couple of inches over but their car is half and half. They drive with one foot on the gas and one resting on the brake which confuses, and pisses off many people around them when their lights are doing crazy shit. Finally, if they can't take care of themselves in the first place and have to live in a retirement community/home then what the fuck gave the government the idea that they can still somehow muster up the strength to drive.

Sorry just had to say it :lol:


Type R
i think wen people reach a certain age they should have to take the driving test every year like when they turn 70 or 75 or osmething like that


Keep It Clean Yo!
people should take a driving test every 10 years... nuff said... people dont know how to drive these days. also a ticket should be handed to people talking on the phone.


New Member
thats some crazy shit, and Well people that dont know how to drive or pay attention to the road should not be allowed to use there phone while drivn, ive never been in a wreck and im always on the phone while drivin :)