secure front lip even possible? damn thieves


New Member
i have a 95 gsr and i wanna get a type r front lip (carbonfiberr) the thing is the area i live in NY people steel anything especially honda acura stuff import scene is big here my friend just got his SI stolen last month well anyways is there a SECURE way to put a front lip on theft resistant screws etc... i heard adhessive will do but i dont want someone to try to rip it off and damage mu bumper is it even worth getting?

ps--- low jack alarm autolock on the clutch and a bat next to the front door 4 all u people out in west suffolk LI


hmmm well thier not much you can do if thye want to take it they willl ... may be you could put a very senstive alarm you know the ones with radar motion sensors .. that shit will go off even if the wind blows hard .. lol naaa dont do that just keep an eye on your ride and where you park it that all ...