San Francisco/Peninsula


New Member
Just got some new brakes on the GSR, looking to roll around the area maybe hit up some Canyons/Touge.

Does anyone drive the SF/Peninsula Area?

Crystall Springs/Woodside/San Mateo?

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New Member
i drove in that area a couple of times just watch out cause bicyclists ride there and u need to share the road plus some blind corners so you cant see if a bike is there or not


New Member
Hwy 1 is too busy full of extremely slow paced traffic. I like more technical back roads like Kings Mt in woodside. I do you hear you on the bicyclist and blind corners though.

mhib25, they are ITR replicas.


New Member
havent been to kings mt in while especially not in my integra but maybe after i redo suspension not super dumped ill drive it again


Beast From The East
Where did u get the ITR replicas? Thanks
