RSX v. Prelude


Milwaukee Phantoms
I'm debating whether I want the 4th gen Integra or the Prelude... I really could go either way. They're both FF monsters. But where do you stand on this? I'm leaning towards the RSX; but the prelude is a bit more economical.


New Member
I think a prelude looks better and I more can be done with it (though I'm probably wrong)
Go with what you like
I heard that the Rsx type s had an issue when compared to a type r integra but can't recall what


Well you're actually going to get better MPG with the rsx. And if you get the base rsx you can run regular gasoline. With the prelude (4th or 5th gen I assume) you'll need to run premium.
If you're looking at modding, the prelude may be the better route. Parts are cheaper for older cars, and insurance is going to be less.
But seeing as this is an integra website, and i own an rsx....RSX FTW!!! lol


Active Member
I have a bb6 prelude but I'd rather have an rsx because I miss having a hatch back.

a couple pics of mine -

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