!!RIP TEG Here comes Teggy Jr (PIC's)


New Member
So about 8 months ago a drunk Ricer decides to swirve in to my lane, even tho i mannaged not to get hit by an F-150 on the other side of the road(on coming traffic) trying to regain control wasn't pretty i hit a couple of trees, a few signs here and there, and mannaged to end up right in front of a police station lol. That bastard didn't bother to stop and just left good thing my court case got dismissed, dang cop thought i was street racing... SMFH. Any ways here's what good o'l teggy used to look like before the Accident

-B/w i've never seen a maroon teg around where i live... sorta pissed i can't get that color back... :(

After Accident..... :(

With the help of my brother (He pretty much did everything lol) and a friend the swap from a 97 gs body to a 2000 gs-r body started

What's to come... It's a huge surprise give me a few weeks... as soon as im done with Fking exams she'll soon be a head turner ... Wouldn't mind you guys inputs on what rims to get i just spray painted the rims white to see what they look like.... thx



New Member
Sorry to hear about the accident...cant wait to see the updates.

And the rims dont look bad in white~