Remote starter in a manual possible??


Type R
yea its possible they have to bypass the clutch or something i think... a lot of places by me wont do it on manuals cause if you leave it in gear and start it you will stall out and you might hit a car or something


yeah its verry possible my boy has it on his 03 civic hatch and a couple of others on their manual integras


New Member
iight ko0l, i might look into to that for Christmas


Super Duper Moderator
It's totally possible, I did it on my GSR. I wouldn't recommend doing it unless you already have a habit of putting your car in neutral and pulling the e-brake when you park, rather than keeping it in gear. Your just asking for a disaster to happen if you put the car in gear and want to get a remote starter.
Or, you can spend the extra money and get a Compustar alarm/remote start combo. Those can be installed in standards legally because there's a specific process you need to follow to get the car to remote start:
-You park your car and leave it running.
-Put it in neutral, take your feet off any pedals
-Pull the e-brake
-Get out of the car, while its still running
-When you close the door behind you, the car will shut itself off and arm the alarm itself, too.
When that process if done, the brain knows the car must be in neutral and will allow the car to remote start. There may be other companies out by now that have a similar fail-safe system to have their starters installed in manuals, idk. But I know at least Compustar does.

Ominous G2

Just make sure its not in gear. At my work somebody had one on a 350z somebody pushed the button. Car was in gear without the e brake and the bitch ran into a wall. The car was traded in, worst part was it had a body kit.


Anti Rice, Yet anti JDM
my friends selling me a 100 Remote start and keyless entry kit NIB for 25bucks!!!1 he got a Talon and it doesnt have power options, so he said 25 bux


Super Duper Moderator
When Compustar first came out, we charged $700 installed. Since it's not the new hot thing anymore, and competition from other companies, they're probably cheaper by now. That's what they charged as of winter, 2003. They were the first company with an LCD screen/pager all-in-one remote.