rearseat + interior removal

honda king

New Member
I just started to strip the rear interior from the rear of my 97 gsr 2dr. I've unbolted everything, except the rear seats. They do not want to budge. I'm trying to finish removing the plastic interior sidewalls, but they seem stuck along with the seats. Which comes out first?.....seats or the side walls? What is the easiest way to remove the rear seats without damaging them? Any info would be appreciated.


New Member
the seats do and try moving them side to side then they should pop up, assuming all the bolts are un screwed


Not White, Pearl White
Seats will come out first the back portion is first then under that is a bolt to take put the bottom portion.


Name: Cody
for the top of the rear seats, un-do the thing that makes it so you can get to the trunk, then pull towards the outside of the car... it should pop off and for the back seats, there is one bolt in the back on the pasager side, just on bolt it and then there is clips i think and it should just pop off

hope this helps, if not i can post up some pictures to help
just let me know


new driver
I am also having trouble doing this. I will try again and let you know how it goes if that is of more help.


HA. have fun. seats then sides, i think is the order. this might not sound like much help, but keep messing around with shit until something comes loose. lol that's how i learned.


New Member
first seats.. lay them down and on the sides there will be a black little clip.. that you have to take out in order to slide them out

honda king

New Member
The rusty nail

Thanks guys. It was those little black clips hidden on the outside of the seats that were causing out all the trouble. My whole rear end is completely gutted and shined up now. I even took out all the seat belt mechanisms. The seatbelt mechanism that mounts to the bottom inside wall of the car are the most time consuming to take apart.......THEY ARE COVERED BY A THICK LARGE METAL PLATE/BRACE that requires multiple 12 and 14 mm bolts to be taken out. I think it is the cars mid-brace. If anyone does this just know it can become time consuming and with regular handtools kind of hard 89 civic SiR was never this hard to gut out. I'm out like trout!


new driver
I suspect it's the black clips that have caused me grief. I shall be prepared for the enemy next time i sit up side down taking out seats and destroy the clips! harhar