Rear struts


New Member
I am trying to replace the rear struts but I am having issues. The bolt that holds the strut in on the bottom snapped. I was able to get the strut out but the bolt will not break lose from the metal spacer. The only way I can see a fix to this issue is to burn the bushing out. Thus I have a few questions:

1. Is this bushing available, if so where?
Something like this?
Or this?[]
2. Does the bushing need to be pressed in thus requiring the removal of the control arm?
3. Do the front struts also have their bolts in a bushing?

Thank you very much for your time.

Edit: This is on a 1992 Acura Integra
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Apprentice Mechanic
go for that ^, burn it out. Otherwise use a hammer and a chisel =) Suspension work always sucks and shit always sticks to each other


New Member
Right I understand its a part of the control arm. The bushing doesn't need to be pressed in then right? It can be inserted while the control arm is on the car?


New Member
i haven't replaced it but you can just read the instructions posted on the website. from the looks of it you dont have to remove the LCA but you do have to clean the hole.

but... why would you want to do this underneath a car beats me...


New Member
i haven't replaced it but you can just read the instructions posted on the website. from the looks of it you dont have to remove the LCA but you do have to clean the hole.

but... why would you want to do this underneath a car beats me...
If you go to do this job you would understand. We removed one bolt to take the strut off the control arm and that caused this entire mess. In order to take the control arm off I would have to take off I believe 3 other bolts that could possibly break off as well. Those 3 bolts also have a spacer and bushing. Thus turning this job into much more work if I was to try and remove the control arm.


Yolo Whippin'
just save yourself time and buy new lcas. i cut all my lcas free and drilled the bolt out.


New Member
If you go to do this job you would understand. We removed one bolt to take the strut off the control arm and that caused this entire mess. In order to take the control arm off I would have to take off I believe 3 other bolts that could possibly break off as well. Those 3 bolts also have a spacer and bushing. Thus turning this job into much more work if I was to try and remove the control arm.
i have replaced the LCAs before... just not the bushing... and trust me.. i had my fair share of broken LCA bolts.
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