rear right tire stuck?


New Member
My rear right tire is stuck and not moving why? and in order for me o move in my driveway i have to hit higher rpms which makes me burnout and spinnin and shit and i dont know why its doing this how can i find the problem? it cant be rust idk what it could be.


check your caliper it may be stuck, one way to tell is by looking for excess wear on the rotor, maybe even a carved circle running through it. it's happened to me but i don't think it was a bad as you are describing. when you are driving it listen for a strange noise coming from the wheel it should sound almost like a coffee machine from inside the cabin.


Super Moderator
Sounds like a possible stuck brake caliper. I seriously doubt the wheel bearings would be that bad


New Member
lol nah my ebrake is not on but i was reading that a cable coulda got stuck or something? how do i check the brake caliper?? and how would i fix it?


if your caliper is stuck and you've driven around with it, the brake pad will be really worn, so compare each brake pad to the back right, and check the rotor for damage. but when mine broke i just drove it to the shop.


New Member
i didnt drive with it it doesnt move no way in hell i can drive with it i mean i moved it up my drive way and back like twice


New Member
Jack the car up remove the wheel, then take a pry bar and try to force the caliper open, most likely a seized caliper. or maybe a dead cat.


save a a porno
dead cat lmaorofl that happen to a freind of mine but it was under his front passenger caliper stuck bro have to remove ithe wheel and pry it open or just remove it like your changing the brakes might have to kick it but she shouild come off and if you need a new caliper i have one ready to go