Radio Wiring problems???


New Member
I am trying to install my Kenwood head unit into my 95 teg. I bought the wiring harness and hooked it all up and i get no power. sometime the CD will eject but now its just dead. I checked the fuses under the dash and hood and they are fine. i know the radio is good. Any ideas?? thanks.


Chirp from 1st to 3rd!
That happen to me.I went to plug the power in for my Alpine deck and nothing happen. .Help.


Super Duper Moderator
It's probably because of a weak ground. When radio's do erratic weird stuff like it sounds like yours is doing, it's usually a bad ground. It's happened to me.


New Member
I checked all my wires in the car's wiring harness with a meter and out of all the wires i only had one wire that had any power to it and that was only 3 volts. I dont know about the grounding because a bad grounding wouldnt prevent the power wires from being hot.
