radio antenna sticks n' clicks


new driver
The radio antenna on the clicks loudly, when it tries to extend and also when it retracts....and does not retract the whole way down, It makes a clicking noise and seems to be sticking?
Where to begin?


New Member
i am is starting to fuck up too...i going to do an s2000 antenie conversion :) not retactable and looks cool


new driver
u kno how to replace that thing? somethin like take di panels off..unscrew all that stuff back there..?


new driver
XSI_DA_IN_TN said:
^^^^ are you serious?
:) i guess that means its goin to bed now too dark ...check it out in the morning...also gonna put in a cd deck..hmuhahha


New Member
i don't exactly how to but i've seen it been done before many times


new driver havent gotten around to fixing it yet...completely forget until i turned radio on today and it shot out and now it's lookin all crooked an' shit..gosh..let me go google what this s2000 one looks like :)