radar detectors


It depends what you get, how much you spend. I know there are some really good ones out there.

With mine, the range is basically enough time to slow down, unless your coming up on a cop driving down the road.. then you almost don't have time to react before they pass you. You shouldn't get one if you just want an excuse to speed. They are not fool-proof.

However you should get one if you speed a lot anyways. I know it keeps me from speeding 90% of the time because it beeps a lot, even when no one is around. When it beeps I go the speed limit. ;)


Registered Abuser
They are not fool-proof.
Moral of the story right there. I got a Passport 9500i and I like it alot and it has saved me money on numerous occasions, but cops still have that laser that goes undetected. so says my 27 over ticket that i got here recently... :/