Quick radiator question..answer quickly!


New Member
does a manual radiator work on an automatic integra?
does the manual radiator have the two pipes down at the bottom?


New Member
my manual radiator only has one pipe...for the lower radiator hose. has drain plug too but i dont consider that a pipe. so my radiator has one up top and one on bottom. hope this helps!


No! It will absolutely not work! It doesn't have the trans cooler (the 2 pipes)! The exclamation marks indicate how quickly I am answering!

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OEM manual radiator, no. Many aftermarket OEM replacements (like from Autozone, Advance, etc) have the trans cooler pipes there but capped off. They just sell a standard radiator for the generation Integra you have.


New Member
well the radiator i bought was said to come from a manual but it has two pipes down at the bottom besides the radiator hose outlet...so this is a automatic radiator then right?


OR an aftermarket radiator like Broken_Talon said. I just bought a half radiator for my Integra and it has those. If you don't have an automatic, don't use them- you're not going to hurt anything having them.