quick nite pics


New Member
used a friends camera, forgot what kind it was but it was nice...
i didnt put the best settings, plus no tri pod thing

my camera

buddys cam

also have the CI decals, gotta represent of course, ill take more pics once
i get my other decals 8)


ask g3teg he'll make you one...pm him or whatever...well the first pic was good the thers ones would of been nice if they weren't so blurry other than that you got one clean as car... :D


there's a thread for sig. requests in the photoshop lounge i think. it's stickied. ask there.
p.s. nice lights lol :thumbs up


New Member
heh too lazy to make a request there...
dunno why my headlights look so clean cause there really not...


CI Transfomer God!
you and these damn night shots, never any in the day, you a Vampire or something?


New Member
hahahaha no......
usually am working during the day or at home, then i go out at night...
like driving at night anyway, so no one can see how dirty my teg really is