Question for you turbo hondas


Undercover mod
Well here is the prob, i'm in the process of building a complete motor for turbo applications but i don't want to deal with having to use race gas so i need to know what psi would be the limit befor i need race gas, want to know if i should send off my block for sleves so i can boost 18-2? on pump gas (if possible) or just use the rods and pistons and run 15-16psi pump???? also not getting it sleved saves me money :D

hope all that is understandable :lol:


Stinkin & Drinkin
first there are a few things to remember;
1. race gas is leaded
2. the higher the octane the cooler it burns
3. do not run a certain psi, run certain whp numbers
4. tunning is your friend

you need to set hp goals not psi goals. every turbo is different. 15psi on a 14g may be equal to 10psi on a t4 (just a comparison, i know these numbers are not acurate). the more safety the better, sleeves and rods. you might be able to get away with 300+ whp on stock sleeves. i have seen it done before. you just need to have it tuned professionally


Super Moderator
if you want to run that kind of boost pressure consistently and reliably then i would definitely sleeve the block. its possible to get away without doing it but the added strength and stability will make it less likely for the cylinder walls to shift or crack under pressure. i would also try to stay away from race gas unless its a pure racecar and racecar only. race gas will ruin o2 sensors and catalytic converters, its stinks, and it very expensive. maybe think about using water injection and 93 octane instead