Question about the stock radio


Active Member
I'm most likely buying a 1996 Acura Integra Special Edition tomorrow and the owner has an aftermarket radio in that he's keeping, however, he said he would put the stock radio back in before i bought it. Will the alarm give me any troubles if it has one?


Slow Driver
Although I am not quite clear what you mean by the alarm giving you issues, I don't think you will have any issues. The OEM radio came in the car from factory so if you have an aftermarket alarm system, it should work with the stock radio. I have never seen someone have to change their stereo in order to install an alarm system.

If you are talking about some security that the OEM radio has, it would probably just need a code, which the owner should have or you can just call the dealer. I have never seen a stock Integra stereo in person so I don't know how hi-tech they are, but I know that's the case for newer ones.


New Member
Most stock radios have a security system that will activate when you take out the battery or the radio. If it is locked ask the previous owner for the code, if he doesn't have it you might have to go to your local Honda/Acura dealer and give them the serial number so that they can get you your code.


Active Member
I was just worried that the alarm would go off when I brought the car home or something.


New Member
No problems with alarm or gas anything to do with it, bit make sure you get the code for radio. Also ask if I cones with cd changer cause that's what in lookin for haha


Active Member
Okay so I found out it does have a factory alarm installed by an Acura dealership due to the manuals in my glove box and the red LED on the steering wheel. So my question is now, my friend is giving me a stereo. If the stereo has alarm function, can I wire the alarm to the stereo? I honestly don't know how this will work since I don't have the remote for the alarm so will I have to rip the alarm system out and get a new one or would I be able to order a remote from the manufacturer? I would like to have this car alarmed soon as it sits out in my driveway away from my house, and it's black, and quiet so it's easy to get away with.
