Problems With My Teggie!!!! HElp PLease


New Member
Hey i have a 93 Integra Da special with a B18a1 and she wont start. It make a high pitched noise almost like only the starter is not touching the flywheel but its bolted on just fine. I dont know whats going on im think it might be the distributer cuz its almost like its not getting spark ether? Anyone know whats going on or know any tips to find the real sourse of the problem:twisted:? Thanks

Oh and anyone have a lip for my da? No cracks but paint does not matter lol


Integra Noob
Does it sound like a WHIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzz sound when you try to start? if so that could be a stuck bendix


The car wouldn't spark if the motor isn't turning over. If the starter isn't engaging and turning the motor, time to get a new starter or rebuild it.


New Member
WHats a Bendix lol Still new to jdm world. And I think it might be the timing also cuz the guy i bought it from pulled the head off to cheak ther pistons and just slapped it back on lol


New Member

Thanks for all your help. I had another question. I need to know what this filter is i want one so bad but can find one on any website does anyone know where i can get one? And does anyone know if its CARB legit?