problem with steering


New Member
Im sure this could be fixed easily with an alignment but I want to see if there's another way to do this. Yesterday I installed my Momo Tuner steering wheel and while taking off that big 19 nut, the wheel locked and me and my buddy were trying to torque it off. after reassembling everything the steering wheel cant be aligned to the tires anymore (though before on the stock wheel it was perfect). I'm wondering if something got messed up while torquing it while the wheel was locked? Will an alignment fix the problem? I'm probably going to go alignment again after I get the camber kits.....


New Member
bump* any advice? I'm worried that the alignment wont fix the centering of the steering wheel

integra evan

DId you put the steering wheel on the right "notch" of the spline? I know when installing my JDM ITR MOMO wheel in my G2, I kept having to straighten it out because each of those small notches (NOT the bigger square notch) made a difference in the centering.


New Member
yea, I tried repositioning the small notches to the hub adapter but no matter what direction it was repositioned the car wouldnt go the same direction as the steering wheel.


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
sorry i can't help but do you have pics of the steering wheel? i'm interested in putting in a new wheel soon. i want something a little smaller than my stock wheel.