problem: back seat wont go down?


New Member
i have a 98 ls hatch and the left backseat will not fold down because the pully is broken.. if you pull on it it juss comes out. it somehow got disconnected to what ever it is connected to. how can i fix this? i want my backseats down!


did the knob just strip off, or did the pulling rod come up with it? if the knob just came off, you may try to screw the knob from the other seat on it. if the rod came up, you might try to pull the carpet cover off and work a screwdriver in and pop it open.


New Member
same thing happened to me. i just opened my hatch and used a flash light to look in the hole and used a screwdriver to move the little hook thing so that it would line up with the pull rod again and its woked fine ever sence.