Private Messages..again


Any way we can get a "PM this member," or something along those lines, link on the left hand side of a post, like under the member name?
I feel like it would be more convenient to PM someone, rather than clicking on the member's name and going through their profile.


Ominous G2

It wouldnt be bad if it was there and opened a new window, easier for a for sale thread maybe.


I usually just click the name and then use the pm link in the profile. :what:
I do that too, but I just think it would be easier if there was a PM link under the person's username that would open a new window for PMs, like said before.

And yeah I'm lazy!!

Ominous G2

It's not a bad idea, especially for site sponsors that need to pm multiple people.

Jay Jay

Staff member
I added the flyout menus to the username on the left. You can click on that for a menu then right click on pm to open a new tab or window.