PR4 ECU Pinout..?


Active Member
Looked all over, for some reason i cant find the pr4 ecu pinout anywhere, lol. googled it and got a bunch of other pinouts lol. maybe im just having a moment of stupidity, but i really need this lol so if anybody can help me out it would be GREATLY appreciated.


Active Member
Hmm, maybe there's something I'm not seeing. But here's my situation. I have a b18a1 with a pr4, and b17 harness.. so its not wired for EGR. So I was gonna get a plug and run my own wires to the ecu, but there is 3 wires (may be wrong, haven't seen it in a while) and I'm only seeing 2 pins on the pinout for ecu. This whole process is because I can't pass emissions, and I have a cel (code 12-egr system)... lol I need to figure this out though, it is keeping me from getting tabs.. :/
Have you tried just capping off the EGR vacuum lines? That's what I did.


Active Member
UPDATE: So, more bs, back to square one. Someone gave me some good info on g2ic, i thought. He said one wire goes to the ecu, another one goes to a fuse. Or something along those lines, seemed to be the best info ive got so far. Until i popped my hood and looked at my EGR. Theres 3 wires coming from now im lost yet again. need my car to pass, its caused me to miss work, and is unacceptable. PLEASE help hahah... heres a pic just for the hella of it. If anybody has any info or anything, reply on here or PM me. Thanks..