Power door locks problem


New Member
Hey guys. Hopefully I'm posting this in the right place!
My car is a 1999 Integra LS 5spd. I purchased it in August of 2008. It came with a Python Security system installed and working (at the time). In September, I got in my car and everything worked fine, and then when I got to my destination (literally 5 mins down the road) I got out to realize that neither the alarm system nor the power door locks were working. My boyfriend played around with it and took the door panels off and everything but couldn't figure it out. At the time I had NO money at all, so I'd manually lock my doors and hope for the best. Yesterday, I took it to ABC Warehouse to get the security system removed (thinking maybe that was the problem, we were lost as to what else it would be, and last time I was there an employee had said maybe that was the problem). Anyway, the tech guy checked it out and said that the system just needed reset or whatever. Well, now the alarm works but still no power door locks.

The boyfriend came to the conclusion that it is on the passengers side door, because when that door is open the image on the dash doesn't show the open door like it does for the drivers and hatch. He said he'll take the door panel off again this weekend and mess with it. But I decided to post here in case maybe someone knows what it might be or has had this happen before or just really, ANY INPUT would be wonderful!

Thanks so much!!! :)


Just call me chris.
if you have a security system the door locks should be wired into the system control. mine are atleast.


New Member
it is and it used to work fine and then one day stopped working completly. it bewilders anyone that hears about it, even the tech people at abc warehouse had no idea. they mentioned something about a motor going bad (i think). but i don't know. i figured i'd just ask here in case someone had a insight.


nothing from nowhere
i think there's some kind of module that goes bad.


New Member
yea, the door lock module which is in the drivers door is the problem, if you take the door panel off you will see it, i have replaced mine twice.
What you described was exactly what happened to me.
And your comment about thinking the problem lies in the passenger side door... I will describe what happened to me and hoepfully it will shine some light...
I have a 99 LS 5spd also, with a clifford alarm. A couple weeks after I had the alarm, I had to manually lock the doors, because arming and disarming my alarm on the transmitter no longer locked/unlocked the doors. I took it to a shop, they said all inputs going into the door lock module worked, so it was the module itself that was messed up. If you open up the module, you will see it is a circuit board, so It seems very possible that rain could drip down there, and maybe short something.
I got a used door lock module off ebay for 30.00 shipped, replaced it with my bad door lock module, and problem fixed.
A week ago, after a terrible storm (that actually dented my car from the hail ) my door locks had a similar problem. This time, the transmitter could lock the doors, but not unlock them. Inside the car, the drivers side switch locked and unlocked the doors, but the passenger side only locked door, it was NOT able to unlock the door. So, I am thinking, water got into the door lock module AGAIN, but only shorted the the circuit for the passenger unlock.
Anyways, I had to order another used door lock module off ebay, and again, everything is back to good now. One reason I think water is the cause of my problem, is because I took the plastic shield cover (thingy) off because I wanted to Dynamat my doors. So now, there is nothing protecting the module from water getting inside of it.
here is a link to where you can buy a door lock module, he has over 800 used parts for the 99 Integra ALONE.
