poping noise/ valve cover area


New Member
I noticed a popping noise around vavle cover area .I replaced PCV valve and it got better, after driving around, it started popping again. sounds like vacume pressure builds, popping to relive pressure. not consistant w/rev's. ck'd vacume lines all good. any idea's ??? would be great, am at a loss as to possible fix's


New Member
is it really load?? only thing i can think of is damaged valve cover gasket and the pressure keeps popping the air out through the oil. i duno i never had that problem lol hope you fix it


New Member
How bad was the build up on the old PCV valve? Could be more build up on the port its self. Replace the gasket for sure and see what happens.


New Member
traced some vacume lines found no cracks or breaks, sprayed some carb cleaner into some lines by intake manifold and noise subsided. came back about ten minutes later. I am going to buy some intakemanifold cleaner to spray into lines as some diamprams dry out w/carb cleaner. makes rubber crack. will post again after using a different cleaner some rubber freindly stuff
