Please Tell Me Wat You"ll Think


Rock out with my DOHC out
I really liek that.... any chance you can give me a link where you gto your lights for your gauges? maybe even som for the dash? I have a cypress green teg and was looking for green lights for my interoir.

but on side note... looks very clean...:shock:


looks like you have aftermarket halo lights? not big on those or teh taillights,...badass looking gauges!? sexi car tho////I'd drive it


New Member
i like the front end but and the general look except for the tails (lights and the small spoiler) and the way to colorfull gauges... but like said before id drive it

greetz sis


New Member
thanks....for the comments ..i plan on gettin a lip and selling that spoiler but the guages are through a sponsorship with far as the horsepower goes 200 just sounds good but i do have a lil bit of work done under the hood and orderin some more today.


New Member
i dont like them that much but they fit with the carbon fiber...guages are by glowshift if anyone wants to know.....maybe be expensive normally but with my sponsorship i didnt pay alot at all