yup this is funny as hell bwwuuaahhhhhaahahahah http://thatvideosite.com/view/2804.html
ltrain New Member Jul 3, 2006 #1 yup this is funny as hell bwwuuaahhhhhaahahahah http://thatvideosite.com/view/2804.html
Ominous G2 ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ Jul 4, 2006 #5 Imagine what happens when she sees a hot air balloon, she probably thinks its the apocalypse.
ltrain New Member Jul 4, 2006 #6 man u can do alot of pranks ona person like that, like put a baloon in the toilet so when she has to go she lifts the lid and bugs out haha
man u can do alot of pranks ona person like that, like put a baloon in the toilet so when she has to go she lifts the lid and bugs out haha