Overheating issues


So I have a 1990 integra with 153000 miles on it. Bought it bout 10000 miles ago. Runs strong but recently I've noticed a small coolent leak so I put some of the stuff to seal the leak to see if that worked. Well I believe it did. But around the same time as the leak started my oil lights been coming off and on also. I believe there's a small leak also. I had to have the oil pressure sensor replaced when I got it because it was leaking. So I'm thinking that might be the problem with the oil leak. Anyways the major problem seems to b it's sucking down coolant like crazy. Have to refill it a few times this week all ready and it seems to be running hotter then normal. This morning I went to work and stopped at a gas Station for 5 min and let it idle while I went inside. I came out and the temp gauge was at 3/4 the way up so I cranked the heat full blast drove the 1/4 mile to work and the temp went back to normal. Did some research and most point to a head gasket leak. Please help. Would love to do a swap but can't afford it now lol


New Member
same happen to me awhile back, i had change the head gasket, but also check all the tubes from the radiator to the engine.


New Member
I just got done doing a headgasket on my 91da. its not that bad of a job just make sure you have torque wrenches and you get the torque specs for the motor. The whole headgasket set was about 100 bux from autozone. When your heads off have it checked with a straight edge and if you can... take it to an engine machine shop and have them run over it with the flat grinding stone to take out any warpage. That should guarantee you a nice tight fit. whatever you do, DO NOT OVERHEAT the engine. These heads and blocks warp very easily if you let em get too hot. If you need any more info just ask :)



looks like there coolent leaking a little under the fuel injectors somewhere. I noticed it when i got home from work. will dig into it when i have a few minutes to see if i can see more. before i left to come home my buddy and i checked under the hood and the coolent resovoir was empty and there is oil in the coolent as well. Im assuming tht is why it was overheating this a.m. since the coolent was super low and oil mixed in it doesnt help either. filled it up and it ran fine on the way home otheer then the oil light blinking and coolent leaking somewhere causing some smoking issues lol.


New Member
if you have oil in your coolant resorvoir, do NOT drive the car anymore, I had the same issue with mine when the head gasket went. If theres oil in the coolant then there will be coolant in the oil. If you drive it what will happen is you will end up milkshaking the motor. The water and oil will mix and get whipped around into a substance that looks like a Mcdonalds vanilla shake. it will go thru your engine and wreck all the bearings and piston rings. Change your head gasket, drain the oil. Put new oil and a crappy filter, like a fram or something and start the engine, let her run for fifteen mins at idle, then drain the oil and change the filter. That will clear most of the milkshake out of the motor. Wipe all the milkshake off of the bottom of the valve cover also while its off. After you drive it for 500 miles, do another oil and filter change, then return to the regular oil change intervals. The best and easiest way I found to pull the head is to leave the intake manifold on and pull them both at the same time. While you have the head off change ALL of the rubber coolant hoses because when the engines together some of them are a pain in the ass to get to. As for your coolant leak behind the injectors... Theres a black water pipe that goes from the back of the thermostat housing to the back of the water pump. There are rubber O rings on both ends. Remove the pipe and change both of the rubber 0-rings while the heads off and that should fix the coolant leak issue, if the pipe looks corroded or mishapen replace it. When you are putting the head back on put the intake manifold on the head before you install the head, itll make things alot easier because some of the bolts are hard to get to when the intake manifold is on the motor. Do not neglect this problem, if you continue to drive it how it is you can very easily wreck the rotating assembly and bearings. One more thing. if you have the head resurfaced at a machine shop have them wash it really good or hot tank it before and after they resurface it. If you dont there will be little aluminum grinding shavings stuck in the oil and grease on the head and they will fall down to the bottom of the motor and get sucked up by the oil pump and wreck the pump. Trust me on this one, lol I had to replace my pump because of it.
