Out of ideas!!!


New Member
Well, I'm new to this site and I'm hoping someone can help. I purchased an 87 Integra that was inop and started to try an bring her back to life. The following items have been replaced:
-Valve cover gasket
-plugs and wires
-distributor and advance
-cap and button
-fuel pump
-fuel filter
-main relay
-oil and oil filter
-O2 sensor
-pwr steering and alt belts
-timing belt adjusted

Now here is the problem. She is running but not right. At idle the she's a little erratic, droppin almost to a stall and then back up. She does stall on occasion. The PGM FI light comes on and then off with inital key turn like it's supposed to. The led on the ecu flashes once with initial key turn and then stays off. I've swapped the ecu with one I purchased used out of OH and get the exact same thing. I tested the EICV and it tested good but I swapped it with new one and it didn't fix problem so I put old one back in. There's a suction type noise coming from the manifold that correlates with the drop in RPM. I'm thinking maybe the MAPS but no idicator on ecu...A clogged or spli hose maybe....Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks...


New Member
That's what I was thinkin' but I'm not overly familiar with the engines and wanted to get some outside thoughts. I'll check it out let you know. Thanks


New Member
Vacuum hose all looks good with good connections. I think it's the Fast Idle Valve. Gonna give that a shot.


I say vacuum leak also but... you might want to check the timing belt as whoever had the car before might have put it on incorrectly and it is now out of time.