Omg With The Spam

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Well-Known Member
Holy shit! I have never seen it get like this in the past month ive been frequenting this forum! Yes I suppose this thread would also be spam, but is there any way of reporting a thread or by means of voting on a thread, have it removed? There should be some member thread abolishment rule...


Super Duper Moderator
Yep. It's the first thing I do now when I pop in here, look for spam to get rid of. These porn spammers are the lowest forms of life. If people want to find that stuff they'll find it, they don't need it forced down their throats. It's like walking onto a school playground and offering kids heroin when the teachers aern't looking. Vile people.


New Member
Yea this is gettin fukin ridiculous. We already kno wat the fukin newz is we dont need that shit. FUK!!


Well-Known Member
I noticed they hit the gen specific forums. Is this because they are listed above the others, meaning they are easier to be seen?


4 pages of new posts of SPAM :(. Maybe the forum needs to change the registration process to stop this problem.


Super Moderator
We dont need new threads that talk about the same thing. If you see spam, report the post by using the exlamation button.
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