Old tegra new owner, help


.:The Hopeful Tegra:.
Ok I picked up my 91 integra. And here's what I need to fix but I don't know how, please help.

When my windshield is fogged and I put on the defogger and put the air on for it to start up, water starts spitting on the floor of the passenger side, I don't want it to rot out my bottom so is it as simple as taping something up?

Also it gets extremely humid in the car when its cold outside, no air is on nothing is giving it a reason to.

And also how hard is it to change around the engine bay? I tried putting in an intake but couldn't because of the battery getting in the way.please help


New Member
got to get the right intake for your car. the heater core is bad. and you probably have to pull the dash out.


Well-Known Member
Is it water or coolant? It could be that water has dripped down the cowl and into the airbox, so when theres enough air blowing it gets pushed out.

And the reason why the intake doesnt fit is because you didnt get one thats right for your car.


Cut down the intake or modify it somehow to make it fit. (Or get the right one.)

Your problem sounds more like your heater core is bad. It only leaks when you turn the heater on? And it leaks coolant? It's more than likely the heater core. Which would probably require dash removal to change.


New Member
ok 91 Tegra I have the same exact problem and these guys think its the heater core.It's not my 92 tegra leaks every time it rains but it does not go in until I turn on the the blower to high I tryed looking for the problem behind the dash and its not 2nd I tried to look inside the air intake box underneth the wiper cowel outside near the wiper arms,there is a sealed compartment where the fresh air enters that needs sealing to prevent moister and water from entering.try that and good luck with the tegra


.:The Hopeful Tegra:.
awesome i will guys thanks. How much does a heater core go for? and integration ill be sure to try thank this weekend one i get some free time.


I've heard it doesn't work well for heater core's. Mechanic told me that.
Besides, if it's NOT coolant leaking when the heater is on, it probably is the cowl like the other two suggested.