ok so potential HUGE issue


New Member
so i took off the cam gears because it was easier then removing the motor mount to get the rear timing belt guard (even if it was the hard way of doing things thats how i did it) and everything was going fine until i took off the rear cam gear and the metal pin fell as soon as i slid the gear off, and sense i dont have a garage and my drive way isnt paved its shell and sand i cant find it, ive tried running a mag over the area and didnt get anything, im going to try and get a bigger more powerful one to run over the area, but if i cant find it what can i do without having to buy new cam gears:cry:


New Member
will any pin from any years integra work? its seems like it would and theres a pull a part here but they dont have ANY 90-93 teggys but they have tons of 3rd gen


New Member
Check your bottom timing cover. It could have dropped in there. Even if you get a new one, you don't wanna risk leaving that keyway down by the crank pulley.


New Member
ok so the 3rd gen ones will work just as well? and i looked for it lol i have an old speaker im going to run over the area and over the cover again just to be sure but im pretty sure its gone lol so long as i can use one from a 3rd gen im good, its no big deal thanks