ok I've searched the junkyards out here i need to outsource


New Member
i need the driverside windshield wiper arm, thats all i need, any of you have a spare laying around i could buy off ya? i live in southwest florida and it rains here EVERY day so kinda gotta have both wipers goin not the passengerside arm on the driverside when it dont fit right lol


Hazardous Grounds
i need the driverside windshield wiper arm, thats all i need, any of you have a spare laying around i could buy off ya? i live in southwest florida and it rains here EVERY day so kinda gotta have both wipers goin not the passengerside arm on the driverside when it dont fit right lol
damn man i just sold mine yeterday to a guy. cause im only rockin one. sh!t just adjust the arm up a little and it will reach all the way across.


New Member
Go and buy rain x for real. I live in Wisconsin and I can’t help u with the arm but the rain x i use and never use the wipers even when it rains. And not sure about this but could you switch the arms?


level 77 troll
My question, what happened to the original one


Hazardous Grounds
Go and buy rain x for real. I live in Wisconsin and I can’t help u with the arm but the rain x i use and never use the wipers even when it rains. And not sure about this but could you switch the arms?
thats what i did. i put the driver side arm on the passenger side and adjusted it to where it will reach across.


New Member
It works all right? Or no? If so say it’s a Australian v8 supper car in presses


New Member
its the driver side thats broke lol my ex-wife (fucks me in more then one way a lot) thought shed be nice and change my wiper blade cause i was sick. snapped the arm trying to take off the blade because she didnt ask how to do it the easy way.

btw i found a guy on ebay parting out a gen 2 teg i asked for a parts list and ill post it up here in case yall need parts, hes got me on the wiper arms, both front for 45 bucks, its not a bad deal considering another site i found today wants 47+ shipping just for the driver side so if yall need oem parts let me know and ill see if hes got it before he gets me the list