Oil Leaking behind intake manifold?


New Member
So i recently trade my civic for a 1992 Integra turbo. I've spent the last 8 days replacing the head gasket, and water pump. Theres a box behind the engine block and below the intake that has two plastic pieces sticking out, my brother broke both of them trying to get the hoses off:roll:... so i made a line straight from the block to the intake. Today I took it for a drive and the turbo wouldnt boost correctly, it started jerking really hard AND its smoking a bit.. when I got home and popped the hood it looks like oil sprayed from under the intake manifold to the left. (Half the manifold isnt wet). Can someone please help a new Integra owner out? THANKS SO MUCH!
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Sounds like you damaged the PCV system. You should replace the box and hoses immediately. I wouldn't recommend driving until you do that.


New Member
I have a straight hose running from the crankcase to the intake, completely bypassing the box. If I put a valve on that would it work fine? And thank you very much for the quick reply, you must live here lol.
I have a straight hose running from the crankcase to the intake, completely bypassing the box. If I put a valve on that would it work fine? And thank you very much for the quick reply, you must live here lol.
You need to have the pcv box. Bypassing it isn't a good idea, especially being that you're boosted.

I don't live here, just happened to be on here winding down before bed. :D


New Member
mine leaks toocassionally... anyone know how much it is to fix it?
not trying to thread jack ya here


New Member
I think the oils leaking because the pcv box isnt there. When you accelerate and the roms go up your crank case pressure increases also, and being that you have a turbo setup you pressure is most likely alot more than an NA motor so youll need the box assy to help deal with it. It looks like is some type of oil catch can to me.


New Member
I never figured out what it was, maybe just a loose oil filter. But I put a valve on my straight line and it works perfect! Thanks for keepin me sane everybody!!