Ohio meet, April 28th, 2007

All Mighty

Its that time of the year again, time to start planning the 07 Alum Crun…I mean Alum Creek meet (10min north of Columbus, OH). This year is going to be a little different in years past since BTN is being moved. First off, there will be members of C3G and CRSX as usually but some members from My350Z will also be attending. The tentative plans for now are the standard bbq at Alum Creek State Park. We will have cornhole and the traditional old man’s game of football. If the weather permits, it is Ohio so who knows, we may have some volleyball on the beach. During this part of the meet we will also being having the judging for the 3G car show. It will be similar to the show that we have at Normal for those that have been there. After the park we will head to Speedz, as long as their new location is built, for dinner and some gokarting. We’ll do the awards ceremony for the car show during this time. Speedz is suppose to have banquet rooms at the new location so I’ll work on getting us one of the rooms. I will also work on renting out some track time so we are the only ones running. If Speedz is not available I will work on another location. Hooters and D&B are two other possible options. After dinner and karting we will start the best part of the meet which is drinking and beer pong, during which time Sean will be defeated and no longer have the title of Beer Pong Champion.

I will be posting up hotel info and everything for those staying the weekend since there will be stuff going on all weekend with drinking Friday night for those in town and breakfast Sunday morning for those of us who survive Saturday night.

Depending on the # of people staying Saturday night and participating in the drinking we may change the location from my apartment to somewhere else more suited.

And Ian, no I didn’t look to see when the draft was so you can start bitching now.

Here are pics from last years meet: http://www.club3g.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62757
That's the thread from Club3g. A bunch of guy sfrom ClubRSX and My350Z are showing up. So i thought i would invite some of the Clubintegra members also. It is about 10-15 mins north of Cbus. When i find out an adress ill post up. Just gauging interest here.

All Mighty

yeah def. The only time i get on csr is when i am A.) Really bored or B.) trying to sell something.

Bring the tegs out to Ohio!