official club integra meet # 2


save a a porno
since the 23 meet was big success, i think we should have another one, but to make it equally fair on every memeber east, west, midwest, etc we should do t more toward the middle of the country somewhere not to far of drive for everyone, but one that peolpe would drive to go to, lets spit some ideas people and i wkill 110%be at this one


save a a porno
yeah that was brought up in the first ci national meet location and could possibly be a the next but what i think is we should make it equally distanced so the west coast peeps mand midwest peeps can come so its not such a big drive on the cars but we wont rule out that location


The Transporter
I too agree on the dragon. Thats where I wanted this one to be.


I don't think having it at the center is going to work, no dissing it it's just that for people that live on the coast thats at least a 10+ hour drive from either side. I say we have east and west coast meets maybe even a middle meet just to split things up some. But you guys do what you want.


The Transporter
I don't think having it at the center is going to work, no dissing it it's just that for people that live on the coast thats at least a 10+ hour drive from either side. I say we have east and west coast meets maybe even a middle meet just to split things up some. But you guys do what you want.
I agree as well. But whats nice about the dragon is its more like mid-east in its location so it can hit a broader area of people.


Oh yea definetly have one there but I think we should also start planning meets out on the west coast along with having some on the east coast. I know once I get out to arizona i'm gonna start trying to get everyone together out there.


save a a porno
we discussed a three meet for parts, west, east, and midwest earlier in the national meet thread, im just trying to look at everyones best interest, trying to make it fair for everyone you know, but definately do not rule it out, i just want to get some opinions before the final decision is made

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
the dragon would be pretty cool.

I agree with aussie though we cant have a nationwide meet even if it was in the middle. our time would be spent driving there and not on chillin or cruisin.

im hopin to be able to attend next year.


Unregistered User
2008 = CI 5 years.

we can drive. lol

at least I will... I might not be rollin in a teg, but I'll be there!
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