nre from il


New Member
Yea, Chicago. Show some pic of your ride before the snow flies, oh wait it already has. haha. Good to see another person from IL.


New Member
Welcome to the Teggy Site. Have fun on the boards. Catch ya around, PEACE!


New Member
hey Im also from chicago and i just found out bout this webs site, what can u guys teach me about my 94 gsr sedan??? :shock:


New Member
Sweet another from chicago and a sedan, outstanding. So dave what do you want to know? In the Engine tech forum there is aa artical on how VTEC works.


New Member
Baldy201 said:
Sweet another from chicago and a sedan, outstanding. So dave what do you want to know? In the Engine tech forum there is aa artical on how VTEC works.
well i now a lil bit about hw the Vtec works, but what im trying to learn is racing techniques because i recently learned how to drive manual .

Ps. sorry if i miss spelled some stuff but understand i've only been in the us for 6 years
