NOB crew's FIRST photoshoot.....come take a look....


New Member
Well we finally got together and Sandhman75 took some pics of the NOB crew and their cars! Got a lil late so some of the pics are dark, it's 3 am and Sandhman75 doesnt feel like editing........... but you'll get over it! Jeff (sssmokin05si), and Jared (advert), couldnt make it.......... but other then that, this is us!! Comment away homies!!!

Richeeee's car (RHDRicheeee)

Steve's car (NOBCrew)

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>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
lookin good, loving the rhd teg and that 5lugged 4dr, that shit needs a 99front to match with the back. not only do you guys look good but ya have something under the hood to back it up. :thumbs up


Super Moderator
I want your Nice looking cars. I think the RSX wheels on the DB8 is kinda weird but yet different. The EK needs different rims other than that...HOT!


New Member
That DB8 looks almost orgasmic...

Nice cars 8)

with Interior shots with hatchbacks.

Try opening the hatch, reclining the front seats a bit and setting the camera on a small tripod or something to hold it balanced and center it with the dashboard... Trust me on that :)

Still the pictures look sweet :D
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