No external Wastegate??


New Member
Hey guys once in a while i look at turbos to see if there are any good deals out there. Well everytime i look at a nice t3 turbo by garrett or turbonetics they are ALWAYS internally wastegated. I was told not go go with a internal wastegate but i can't find any small turbos that have a external gate. Are the internal wastegates ok with the small turbos or where should i be looking? I'm only gonna be running like 7psi but eventually will want to go up in boost.


u can run higher boost with a internal wastegate, just get a boost controller and a 3bar map sensor, my friend was running 15psi daily boost on stock internals. it was a gt28rs with a internal wastegate,


New Member
ok but what i'm saying is that i can't find any t3 size turbos with an external wastegate...their all internal


Super Moderator
most smaller turbo's like the garret t25, t28, gt28rs and t3's along with mitsubishi 14g, 16g and 18g have internal wastegates. 7 psi is fine with an internal wastegate. liek mojo said, they are usually pretty good up to 15 psi. running much more than that though and you will start running into boost creep as the wastgate will not open fast enough or it can't bypass enough exhaust gases
